Rage Against The Deceptive Media Machine

burning effigy

I can’t believe what I’ve just read. I was minding my own business, wrapping up the weekend and grabbing some quick headlines before bed. NOW, I’m mad as hell and will MOST DEFINITELY NOT get enough sleep tonight as I MUST at least attempt to right some blatant wrongs at the New York Times.

Yeah, yeah I hear what you’re saying, “But IGetItAlready, why would you even bother with some low rent drivel printed in the New York Times”. And in most cases you’d have a great point and I would be going to bed right now. However, I am utterly sick to death of our so-called media being so astoundingly strident in their efforts to influence our laws, our policies both foreign and domestic and our very political processes, so much so that I can’t let this shit slide! FFS do NONE of these “journalists”, “reporters” and lobotomized talking heads have the first clue as to the founders’ vision of the role an HONEST, UNBIASED and TOTALLY UNINVESTED media should play in our free republic?!

What’s that punk? You didn’t go into the “news biz” to play some role envisioned for you by a bunch of dead guys some 237 years ago? Fair enough wise ass but have you bothered to consider for a moment that perhaps YOU’RE NOT EVEN HALF CAPABLE OF RUNNING A GLOBAL SUPERPOWER ON NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND WHIMS?!!! Not to mention snot nose, that THIS particular superpower is what it is today ONLY because of our unique form of government and founding documents. None of which make ANY mention of dirt bags like you being required, expected or even allowed to manipulate or influence ANYTHING!!! So spare us all your, “I’m going to make a difference and change the world” bullshit. If that’s what you’re about go to med school and cure a disease or something. Whatever you do, please keep your predictable opinions in the same dark closet in which your fear of a well-informed public lurks.

Alright…I’m back. The article in question was written by some quack named Nelson D. Schwartz and was printed in May 5th’s New York Times. The article is entitled, Immigrants Are Transforming a New York Town and the town in question is Port Chester, NY.

Aside from some ridiculously amateur or perhaps moronic editing errors(do as opposed to due, are you kidding or are you in fact a kid?), this “piece”o.s. is a joke that fails to ever become funny. In paragraph 3 Mr. Schwartz starts hitting us with the liberal’s best friend; the one in a million, you’re more likely to be attacked by a grizzly bear, a school of piranhas and a Yeti all on the same day than ever meeting one in real life kind of case. You know what I’m talking about. It’s like the way in which liberals want to hang rationalization for industrialized murder, the end effect of which we’re JUST BARELY having reported to us in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, on the minute minority of abortions that occur as a result of rape or incest. Or the way they like to associate legal gun owners and those who value ALL of our constitutional rights with these crazed, social rejects who rather than doing humanity a favor and simply offing themselves, opt to shoot as many other people as possible on their way out. Or the way in which they fight tooth and nail against any measure meant to ensure the integrity of our electoral process, claiming that there are some Americans who are for some reason incapable of acquiring ID…even after several of the states in question offer to make IDs available at voting stations and in the case of SC, even an offer of free public transportation to anyone needing a ride to go get an ID. In this particular case the minority in question is some illegal immigrant who after invading our sovereign nation opened his own business.

Apparently Mr. Schwartz believes we should all be astonished by the fact that some guy who broke our laws in coming here, rather than living off the system, took full advantage of all that America offers her citizens…not to mention apparently ANYONE who can scale an unwatched fence or walk across an invisible line, and made something of himself; As if ANYONE is so stupid as to think this has NEVER happened to any of the  likely 30 to 40 million or more illegals currently here. (Source: Look it up yourself but I assure you 30 to 40 million were the numbers being batted around when Bush tried his hand at amnesty. It would seem that immediately after Obama was elected, somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 to 80% of our “uninvited guests” decided to leave…Yeah right, and I’ll take a side of beachfront property in Colorado with that load of horseshit please…thanks) Where are all the stories on all the LEGAL Americans who have been robbed of their very lives by drunk drivers and gang bangers who aren’t even supposed to be here? Oh yeah I forgot, those are the kinds of stories which get “bumped” to make room for a last minute adorable cat video or literally ANYONE who wants to announce their sexual orientation to the world…just so long as their sexual orientation is anything but straight.

Schwartz goes on to say he’s withholding this guy’s last name due to the risk of the guy being deported…As if. The guy owns two restaurants and Mr. Schwartz already sells him out if anyone truly cared about “deporting him” (idiot!!!) when he writes that this man will soon be opening a 3rd restaurant and that “his food has a following on Yelp. com. This guy could NEVER be deported by THIS administration. FFS under Obam-nasty (yeah, that’s mine…you can use it if you want) we’re giving a pass to people with up to three misdemeanors. Now how are things going to look for the great Americanizer if this guy gets sent packing while we’re rolling out the welcome mat to others with a historical tendency to assault people? Gimme a break Schwartz!

Later in the article Lawrence F. Katz, a liberal professor of economics at Harvard is quoted as saying in response to his own belief that we need a freer flow of people from other nations in order to foster growth, “No doubt some individuals are harmed but the benefits outweigh the costs.” Now just chew on that for a moment. This jackass sees LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS as acceptable losses in this blatantly obvious battle to import millions of foreign voters. Good lookin’ out buddy. Each and every American citizen is fortunate and should be proud to call you a “fellow American”.

Next Schwartz writes of a LEGAL immigrant from Guatemala who is a CPA in Port Chester and who admits to serving a clientele of both legal and illegal immigrants. Right out of the gate I’ve got to call bullshit OR this Guatemalan is a piece of shit. How many LEGAL immigrants do you suppose jumped through all the hoops, filled out all the forms and coughed up all the cash to become Americans only to turn around and aid an illegal invasion of their new home? Whatever the number, it is EXACTLY the same number of domestic threats that need to be shot for treason and disposed of.  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that this little Latin paradise is currently 59% Hispanic? No mention of the breakdown between legal and illegals but I think the sudden surge in Hispanic immigrants to the town since 1990 kind of says it all. It’s gotten so bad in Port Chester that local businesses are being forced to hire Spanish speakers in order to serve “their community”.  And why wouldn’t this place attract illegals like flies to vomit? What with treasonous filth like this CPA willing to cater to the criminals and local businesses willing to participate in prejudicial hiring practices as opposed to helping our new friends assimilate. At any rate, this CPA states that he’s beginning to “get more business owners asking for help with accounting and taxes. REALLY? You mean these people have been paying attention to the handout they’re being offered and understand that one of the stipulations will be to pay some form of back taxes? Do you think the fact that having already forked over at least SOME money to “el Tio Sam” when it’s time to come clean would presumably play well for them is ANY motivation for this sudden fit of tax consciousness? Simple cause and effect…stunning isn’t it.

Perhaps the most amazing fragmented thought in this propaganda piece is when he throws us a token non-Hispanic business owner who celebrates the fact that he can fill any opening within minutes while paying minimum wage…yeah liberals, these points are being billed by Schwartz as further BENEFITS of this sanctioned foreign invasion. I don’t know about you but this guy sounds like one of those demonic “one percenters”, sticking it to the little guy and laughing all the way to the bank. At the very least, he’s clearly a racist fat cat who refuses to “pay his fair share”…wouldn’t you agree? (Man I LOVE watching shit run full circle) 😉

Schwartz FINALLY attempts to scrape the surface of reality when he mentions that “some economists” believe that “increased immigration can reduce wages SLIGHTLY for SOME native-born workers…”. He also mentions that in this town of 29,000, ten percent of the population lives below the poverty line which has put “a strain” on local social services. He goes on to mention the fact that area schools are overcrowded due to “children of immigrants flooding the education system”. “Flooding” mind you. Of course Mr. Schwartz stops at “overcrowding”, careful not to mention any of the direct effects overcrowded schools have on the children who have every right to be here and whose parents are paying the bills expecting that their children will receive a quality education in return. Nope, let’s just paint a harmless image of some teacher being forced to fetch a couple of extra chairs for these new kids who talk funny. He also mentions the fact that longtime residents are bitching about homes being occupied by “many more residents than zoning laws permit”. (Is breaking a zoning law a misdemeanor? Just wondering…) But as in Obama’s America in general, it’s pretty clear that “longtime residents” of Port Chester have been reduced to second class citizens as we attempt to alter the political complexion of America via criminals who want nothing to do with BEING American.

Of course our old friend Schwartzie quickly turns and runs from his feigned attempt at full disclosure by unilaterally declaring, “at street level, the economic impact of the immigrant wave has largely been positive”. Perhaps that’s because Mr. Schwartz’s definition of “street level” fails to take into account ANY of the economic effects created by the few cons to this illegal invasion that HE JUST MENTIONED!

The bottom line is this article should never have been written and Mr. Schwartz and so many others like him are in fact “playing their roles”. But they are roles they’ve created for themselves out of  their over inflated sense of self importance. And if you hadn’t noticed, these self imposed roles have absolutely NOTHING to do with “journalism” or disseminating FACTS to the public they were intended to SERVE.

I’ve said it before and it’s worth repeating; The next American Revolution will begin with the dead, rotting corpse of our collective media being tossed into the streets.

Nun Killed By Drunk Driver: Obama’s Enemies Pay

Despite the trademark under the rug sweep we’ve come to expect from the media in regard to anything that might shed some light on who our current president really is, you may remember an instance not long ago when Obama raised a call to “punish our enemies”. The war cry went out during a radio interview in which the president attempted to fire up Latino voters prior to the 2010 midterms. During the interview which aired on Univision, Obama implied that there would be no immigration reform if Latino voters didn’t, “punish our enemies and reward our friends…” in the upcoming midterms.

Well, it seems we now have confirmation of an “enemy” paying dearly for this administration’s negligent immigration policy and I’m curious as to how Latino Americans feel about it.

Prince William County, Virginia authorities have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security over DHS’s failure to comply with two requests for documents under the Freedom of Information Act. County authorities filed the requests after suspicion was raised over how DHS was handling the over 4,000 illegal immigrants the county had turned over to the department for deportation. The suspicions were raised when in 2010 an illegal immigrant named Carlos Martinelly Montano was arrested and charged with killing a Benedictine Nun while Montano was driving drunk. Once Montano was in custody, a search of police records revealed that Montano had a previous drunk driving charge. At the time of Montano’s first drunk driving incident, he was also identified as an illegal immigrant and subsequently turned over to DHS for deportation. In looking closer at Montano’s records it was discovered that after he was handed over to be deported, DHS gave him an employment authorization card and released him making it possible for him to kill an American citizen.

Despite the federal government’s hands being covered in this woman’s blood, you can bet there is not a single soul in Washington who will lose a wink of sleep over this tragedy. Big Sis will suddenly go “public school teacher” on the nation with the lack of accountability she’s willing to take for the job she’s done. Obama will jump up and tout his “record” number of deportations despite his recent announcement that only illegals with prior criminal records will be deported going forward. A policy change that will effectively cut the number of deportations we can expect in half.

So getting back to my question; I wonder how Latino Americans feel about this woman’s death. How do you all feel about all the legal Americans who are victimized by illegals every day? Are they all accepted losses in the war against America’s sovereignty? And while I have your attention Latino immigrants, how do you justify the utter lack of respect for America’s immigration policy in your community after so many of you have used the proper means by which to become American?

Everything the left says about “immigration reform” has to do with rewarding criminals in hopes of buying their votes. Who is willing to take responsibility for a Nun killed by an illegal immigrant after the federal government turned a blind eye to the laws they are entrusted to uphold? And with Prince William County, VA claiming that many of the 4,000 illegals they’ve turned over to DHS for deportation were also criminals, how long until another “enemy” is forced to pay?      

Obama’s Immigration Policy: Even when he’s right he gets it wrong


“Here illegally? No problem. Behave and give me your vote and we’ll call it good.”

Even when Obama gets something right he screws it up. In a political offering, just in time for the campaign season, the Obama administration intends to cut the number of illegal aliens the US is currently deporting in half.

Reacting to immigrant-rights groups who oppose the deportation program known as Secure Communities, the administration has announced that their intent is to limit deportations to those who have prior criminal convictions on their records. The administration which hit a national record of 392,863 deportations in 2010, says that criminals currently make up about half of all those deported.

EDIT: Looking through some of my older posts tonight I came across this erroneous claim regarding the number of deportations the current administration has taken credit for.

As I’m sure most by now know, these numbers include those turned away at border crossings for failure to produce the proper documentation to gain entrance into the country, a fact that TOTALLY debunks the administration’s claims of having deported more illegal invaders than any previous administration.

As being accurate and retaining my credibility are important to me, I felt it necessary to make this correction.

The story which can be read here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/jun/17/obama-administration-changes-deportation-focus/ reports that even these drastic, intentional steps to ignore US immigration law are not enough for the immigrant-rights supporters. They’re calling for a full moratorium on the Secure Communities program.

My problem with the opposition to sovereign American borders, in this case the immigrant-rights groups and the New York Immigration Coalition, is that we’re talking about ILLEGAL immigration here not immigration in general. However, one would assume these organizations are concerned with the legal variety of immigration. Otherwise, are they not criminal enterprises? 

This is the same tired old diversionary technique they’ve used forever. Rather than engage in constructive discourse on the issue at hand they convolute the issue to include ALL immigration thus in their simplistic minds opening the door for claims of racism and bigotry all of which is intended to divert attention away from the original issue of our borders being breached.