Remember The Hippies? Well, They’re NOT Back

Run Everyone!!! That guy has a bar of soap!!!

Run Everyone!!!
That guy has a bar of soap!!!

Remember the Hippies?

Me neither. I was born a little less than a year after the “Summer of Love”.

Funny, I’d never considered that before. Hmm Forget it, I don’t want to know.

At any rate, pretty gross huh? I mean the girls not shaving…ANYTHING. Seemingly no attempt whatsoever to look…you know…good. I mean just imagine crawling into bed…NO! Don’t ever think about that, EVER! YIKES! But you know what I”m saying. I’ve got to think I would have taken care of…”issues” as a solo pilot until at least the mid-seventies had I been around back then.

And the dudes were WORSE! They so totally dressed like GIRLS!!! And that’s coming from a guy who spent YEARS wearing some pretty outrageous things while on stage in bands. (Ever seen a spandex, snake skin printed tux coat with conchos, leather fringe and long ass tails?) Pffft forget about it. Those guys dressed like…incredibly fashion savvy, cat owning, hair “stylists”,  right? And always rambling on incoherently about some esoteric bullshit. Everyone floating around, tripping balls on acid and saying “GROOVY”. Burning American flags and sympathizing with our enemies. F-ing BARF already! And by the looks of them, both girls and guys alike most likely smelled…really bad!

However, with all these superficial strikes against them they do seem to have been pretty close to the mark on a few items.

Though I’ve never given it much thought until quite recently, I’ve got to respect the 60s’ “Hippie movement” for their insistence on questioning EVERYTHING and their refusal to trust “The Man”. Despite their dismal personal hygiene and some of their more radical displays of “nonconformity”, they do seem to have been dedicated to…well…being Hippies anyway.

Love them or hate them, it’s difficult if not impossible to imagine that whole “make love not war” crowd offering itself up as Lemmings, eager to be spoon fed and then distribute administration sound bites and talking points as they blindly follow some federal pied piper of fools. Not an administration who flies drones halfway around the world so as to “take out” whomever they determine is a target…oh, and of course anyone else unfortunate enough to be within the blast radius. And from what I’ve seen and read, Hippies were all about love, enlightenment, openness (You mean like “transparency”?) and honesty. Uh, let me hit that one again and with feeling, HONESTY!!!

As such, it’s incomprehensible that any self-respecting Hippie would continue to support a president who is also an habitual liar.

“The shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready. hahaha”

“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

“If you like your current healthcare, you can keep it PERIOD.”

And on and on. Naa, I’m guessing the open and HONEST flower children of the sixties would find such a compulsive liar as…well…DISHONEST!

It’s utterly stunning to compare those young, energetic, “long=haired, freaky people” to today’s liberals. They’re not so big on “questioning everything”. However they do stand firm against anyone who does labeling any and all opposition “racists”, “hateful”, “bigoted” and a handful of other intellectually bankrupt diversions intended to marginalize and silence the opposition. You know, the same way the Hippies of the 60s claimed “The Man” was always trying to do to them.

Naa, today’s liberals are fully compliant, on board, standing in line, totally dedicated, eager to believe, disinterested in HONESTY, and apparently not the least bit concerned over their painting themselves as thoughtless followers. Followers of a letter that is. In fact, that letter, “D”, is just about the only thing that the Hippies from back then and the “Groupies” from today share any connection to. Yeah yeah, a lot of the Hippies were all about boycotting “the system” entirely and therefore didn’t vote for nor support ANY politician. But of the ones who saw politics as a possible means to some fairy tale end, they found the most commonality with the Democrats. In fact, many of those hairy, stinky, dressed funny “groovy” guys and gals can currently be found in DC. In congress and holding positions throughout the current administration. Sporting their big “D” as proudly as they once were of their favorite tie-dyed shirts.

They’re also in our universities, rewriting American and World History, misinterpreting The Constitution to such a degree as should be punishable by law and poisoning young minds with nonsense like support for infanticide in cases of live birth to a family experiencing “economic hardship” and University funding, planning and presentation of pretty much all things gay, anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-White and for the love of all things blatantly obvious, anti-conservative. These domestic threats entrusted with our youth and therefore the very future of the nation OPENLY PROMOTE Socialism. An action that one would assume by its very nature to be explicitly promoting the overthrow of our current form of government. In many cases these domestic threats and detriments to our free republic move beyond simply voicing their treasonous opinions in hopes that their shriveled little poisonous seeds will take root in the fertile minds of their “new recruits”. It’s not enough to follow in the deadly footsteps of those Eastern European dictators of the 1930s and 40s, using their bully pulpit to overwhelm their students with political propaganda; Some, likely far more than have been reported thus far, have adopted a “No D’s, No A’s” policy under which the academic success of their students is DIRECTLY tied to the student’s political views. Brain dead liberal drones excel while independent thinkers, not so much. If the student can demonstrate that or at least convince the professor that he/she has made the political views of the professor his own, he/she is considered “educated” however, any steadfast conviction to “undesirable” beliefs indicates a student or more precisely, a student’s thoughts still need some work and the student is given a grade that reflects their “deficiency”.

At the end of the day, all those social heroes from the sixties with their convictions and independence are gone now. They’ve either “joined the dark side” and lashed themselves to their boy king’s chariot or they’ve become part of the very system that they so wanted to reject, DEFINING themselves with that rejection.

The fact is, though liberals, progressives and Timothy Leary types will NEVER admit it, the Tea Party is probably the group MOST resembling our “groovy gurus” of old. In a nutshell, they want government OUT of their lives as much as possible and they want to be left alone to pursue their idea of happiness.

Occupy Wallstreet? Pfft Doubt it. With movement organizers unable to even articulate the group’s intent for WEEKS, the backing the group received from the DNC and all the violence, rapes, assaults etc; Don’t even kid yourself kid. You so totally don’t get it already.