UPDATE: Developments on “Summer Long Weiner Roast”

America is invited to diversionary roast.

Well that was quick.
As I forecast only a couple of days ago here: https://somestuffyoushouldknow.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/democrats-plan-summer-long-weiner-roast/ , congressional Democrats are now lining up to get their name on the sacrifice Weiner petition. Of course there have been several additional and more reprehensible developments over the past couple of days but it’s interesting that lying to the nation didn’t matter. Embarrassing the party does. Some things are too easy to call.

Fear not weiner lovers, as I stated in my initial report this weiner ride promises to be with us for at least the remainder of the summer. I just heard a Democratic pundit claim that once congressional Democrats realize that “Weiner gate” is taking attention away from addressing economic issues they will suddenly wake up and demand he step down so that they can get back to work.
In a word Mr. Pundit, WRONG.

There will undoubtedly be some sincere Democrats who are truly interested in getting back to serving their constituents. However, just as Weiner will continue to use his seat to avoid confronting his issues, many like Pelosi will seek to use Weiner gate as a diversion away from their failure.