The Global Warming Show

Once again it seems the global warming alarmists are cooking their own books so as to produce data supporting their claims of impending global doom due to manmade warming.

Researchers at the University of Colorado’s Sea Level Research Group in May of this year apparently decided all of a sudden to add 0.3mm every year to their sea level data. Facing accusations of manufacturing data the group’s director Steve Nerem stated that the addition was in response to the fact that the earth’s land masses are constantly growing upward. Nerem explains that the correction is “a nonissue and certainly not newsworthy…” as it will only amount to a one inch increase in sea level over 100 years.

Oh, only an inch/100 years. That’s not so much now is it? The only problem is that the IPCC claims that the sea level has only risen by 1.0-2.5mm/year or about 4-9 inches over the past 100 years. Other sources estimates fall somewhere inside the 4-9 inches/year. Either way the Colorado research group’s addition of 0.3mm will by itself amount to an increase 10-25% conservatively.

Does anyone believe the global warming alarmists are going to simply overlook a 10-25% change in anything?

From Al Gore’s now debunked hockey stick fraud to the hacked IPCC emails implicating literally dozens of the world’s best and brightest “unbiased” minds in fabricating information in their findings. This whole thing is getting pretty pathetic. I’ve noticed just this week that the “global cooling” alarmists are starting to gain more traction with their claims as the warming scare starts to lose its credibility. Of course, this is a routine we’ve seen in the past as well. I wonder how many global warming champions know that had we listened to many of the so-called experts on the cooling scare we may have covered the polar ice caps with soot or detonated nukes in an attempt to fend off the new ice age.

It’s clear that the earth’s climate does change. It’s also quite clear that climate experts are dealing with a hell of a lot of variables, many of which such as sun spot activity and other cosmic influences that they admittedly don’t fully understand. The experts cannot tell us what we can do to reverse warming and quite frankly, have not proven that reversing a warming phase would be beneficial.

I’m all for respecting the environment and keeping the air and water clean. But don’t tell me that your high dollar squiggly light bulbs or my eating foods that produce less flatulence are going to save the earth.

The United States and truly the world as a whole face some very serious tangible issues. Until conclusive evidence of manmade warming AND a proven remedy can be produced by a credible source, this entire issue is a waste of desperately needed resources.