Democrats Plan Summer Long Weiner Roast


America is invited to diversionary roast.

The past few days of watching “Weiner Gate” unfold has been like watching evolution in action. Whatever your opinions of Congressman Weiner’s guilt or innocence, the speed with which this entire event has transpired and especially with which the truth has been revealed has been stunning. Honestly, I expected the controversy over this issue would continue for weeks as the press strives to report anything that diverts attention from the dismal state of Obama’s economy. I suppose Congressman Weiner himself set some limits on how long his charade could go on when he started claiming he had been hacked. No doubt his admission was discouraging to many who had already planned on milking “riveting” material from this story for the next two months. Fear not reality deflectors, Nancy Pelosi promises to deliver.

In an uncharacteristically ethically conscious move, Pelosi and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Steve Israel have called for an Ethics Committee probe to determine if any official resources were used or if Weiner has violated any other House Ethics rules. See the full story here:

It was only a day ago on this million mph ride that top Democrats were stating that this entire issue was one between Weiner and his wife, effectively brushing off Weiner’s claims that a crime had been committed in that he had been hacked. But in a political move that likely surprised even some Democrats, Nancy Pelosi calls for an ethics investigation that we’ll all have the joy of being beaten to death with in the news for the next few months. Nans is no amateur. She knows as well as anyone that public focus needs to be shifted away from the economy and the current administration’s failures in order to give Democrats a chance in 2012. What better diversion than one that actually shines a positive, ethical light on a party with little in the positive column? This is classic Pelosi shrewd politicizing with a new, rational appearance.

I don’t buy into the claims that Pelosi has been “pressured” into calling for an investigation into Weiner’s actions. The fact is, not a single Democrat representative has called for Weiner to step down. This investigation is purely tactical in that it will create a distraction from the economy as well as serve as a feather in the cap of many Democrats in desperate need of anything to tout about going into the next election.

Headline hounds, your summer politics have been planned for you. It promises to be the longest Weiner roast in American history.

One Response


    Well that was quick.
    As I forecast only a couple of days ago congressional Democrats are now lining up to get their name on the sacrifice Weiner petition. Of course there have been several additional and more reprehensible developments over the past couple of days but it’s interesting that lying to the nation didn’t matter. Embarrassing the party does.
    Some things are too easy to call.
    As I said in my initial report, this will be with us for at least the remainder of the summer. I just heard a Democratic pundit claim that once congressional Democrats realize that “Weiner gate” is taking attention away from addressing economic issues they will suddenly wake up and demand he step down so that they can get back to work.
    In a word Mr. Pundit, WRONG.

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