Why We Shouldn’t Spend Another Second Discussing Obamacare

This video goes to my earlier rant and due to the fact that seemingly the vast majority of videos of this sort, of Obama in his own words have oddly “disappeared” from the web over the past few years, I’m somewhat surprised it still exists.

No need rehashing what’s already been said here before. Suffice to say, if you hadn’t before, you have now been made aware of the intent behind the ACA. So, for the love of billshut stacked on top of billshut, why are we STILL ignoring Socialized medicine, the REAL issue here?

Democrats To Repeal Obamacare?



I just read an article posted on Forbes.com entitled “Obamacare Will Be Repealed Well In Advance Of The 2014 Elections” . The article basically lays out what Forbes contributor Steven Hayward sees as a virtually inevitable shift by congressional Democrats toward repeal of the ACA as next year’s elections approach.

While I disagree with some of Mr. Hayward’s projections and did so in a post to the story’s message board which I’ve pasted below, it is an interesting article and definitely worth checking out.

Would love to hear any and all political theorizing as to how Obamacare and its dismal roll out play for the DNC and the GOP next year and beyond.

My Response:

Interesting article, I only WISH I could be so…optimistic*.

I will take issue with that statement that it’s a “wonder” “that Obama’s political team didn’t see this coming and prepare a preemptive strategy for dealing with…”.

The illusion is broken already.

This administration NEVER seems to foresee or prepare strategies for “dealing with” their seemingly incessant stream of inexplicable actions, to such a degree as to absolutely ASTOUND!

Taken with all the other ways in which this administration has played Obama’s race, this “failure” on the part of the administration to “politic” is most likely just another example of these lazy, slacking groupies and our rock star in chief’s arrogant assurance that mindlessly crying “RACIST” in an attempt to marginalize all who question, blaming Bush and the GOP and when all else fails pleading ignorance would be enough to coast through TWO full terms.

While I’m encouraged that some of us are FINALLY getting it, it’s a scathing indictment against We the People that he was allowed to lean on that useless nonsense for as long as he has. The Civil War is over folks, over 600,000 died, that’s enough punishment for any nation. If you’re suffering from white guilt or a scorching case of racial antipathy or even what intellectual titans like Maxine Waters refer to as “reverse racism”(wtf?), go see a shrink but American presidents do not now nor have they EVER been granted “racial immunity”…to anything, let alone EVERYTHING.

*I could certainly see Obama going the veto route in an attempt to offer Democrats a weak-ass lean-to of a shelter next year but I simply can’t see enough congressional Democrats getting behind repeal for it to ever get to a Senate vote.

Harry Reid is on record from about two and a half months ago stating the ACA should be considered a “stepping stone” to Socialized medicine. This is the same guy if you’ll recall who has literally furnished his entire office with bills he refuses to bring up for a vote. Mostly GOP bills but I think there are a couple of Obama’s budget proposals in Reid’s “stacks of the forgotten” as well.  😉

Obama is also on record supporting and vowing to push to establish Socialized medicine in America going back to AT LEAST 2003. In addition, there have been dozens of “lesser” progressive domestic threats disparaging America for our refusal to embrace Socialized medicine. So, in the words of VP Biden, “this is a big f_ing deal”. Such a big deal, having caused so many congressional Democrats to risk SO much that they have backed themselves into a corner from which the only way out is the shredding of their own credibility and the possible implosion of their political careers or sticking to their guns…and the possible implosion of their political careers.

Regardless, I don’t see Democrats en mass doing an about-face on Obama’s “signature piece of legislation”. What, and risk the precious legacy of our “first black president”?

Not a chance.

Obamacare: Why Are We Kidding Ourselves?

Small doses comrade, small doses.

Small doses comrade, small doses.

Anyone read, watch or hear about Harry Reid’s quote from about two and a half months ago when he stated that the ACA should be considered a “stepping stone” to Socialized medicine?
Of course you did, who didn’t?

Anyone see or read any of the SCORES of quotes from Obama, going back to AT LEAST 2003, in which he too has voiced support for and vowed to push to establish Socialized medicine in America?
Yeah, it took you a while but you finally found “Obamacare Trojan Horse To Single Payer” on Youtube and now you know what those of us who cared knew during Obama’s first campaign.

Anyone hear any of the masses of “lesser” progressive domestic threats attempt to disparage America for NOT embracing Socialized medicine?
I know, stupid question; We all seek out the truth so as to make OUR OWN informed assessments as to what’s going on behind the media spin, don’t we?

So why, for the love of all things intellectually dishonest and self-deceiving, do we CONTINUE to discuss “the ACA”; a program created to fail so as to create for Obama, Reid and the rest a “legitimate” reason to come back to us in the near future and push to hop to that next “stepping stone”, when WE SHOULD BE DISCUSSING Socialized medicine?!!!

Are we REALLY so controlled by the media or afraid of the topic that we’re all going to pretend we’re utterly clueless as to the ultimate intent behind the ACA, refusing to speak of WHAT WE KNOW TO BE TRUE until such time as the administration or congressional Democrats have “introduced” known facts into the political discourse?

Seriously America, THIS is astounding!!! If you’ve not seen, heard or read any of the quotes mentioned above and are therefore inclined to reject any and all questions of your boy king or his “signature piece of legislation” and their association to Socialism that’s not my issue. Use the machine on which you’re currently reading this post to READ the hell UP already!!!

If you’re one of the increasing number of open supporters of Socialism infecting this nation, kindly GTFOut!!! You’re idea of liberty, personal freedom and self governance, or UTTER LACK THEREOF already exists all over this earth. Pack your sh:t, take as many like minded sleeper agents as you can find with you and if you don’t mind, please allow America to remain the beacon of hope to those all over the earth currently suffering under the kind of oppression you’ve somehow allowed yourself to be convinced YOU WOULD PREFER!

Regardless, can we collectively grow up, toughen up, wise up or whatever it takes to shift the debate to the REAL issue at hand?

Here, I’ll get the conversation rolling:

Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the Socialist state.
-Vladimir Lenin-



Obama’s Really, Really, Really Bad Week

Ever Have One Of Those Weeks?

Ever Have One Of Those Weeks?

This week, despite it only being half over has been utterly brutal on President Obama. And in typical fashion, the mainream media is in hyper-drive in their attempts to divert attention and veil the truth. So I’m taking it upon myself to make you aware of some of the stories said media will be diverting from and veiling.

First and foremost on the list of Obamafails this week is the Affordable Care Act. Now one would think that with a liberal justice who has stated her belief that it is her responsibility to socially engineer the nation from the bench and another liberal justice who was a paid advocate for Obamacare as Obama’s Solicitor General prior to her appointment to the high court and yet a third liberal justice who has implied the US Constitution is outdated and should not be used as a model to nations writing their own constitutions today, that getting this issue in front of the court would be a joyous occasion for the administration. Instead we’ve seen the level of incompetence we’ve come to expect from the administration in general in the arguments from the administration’s council. In addition, there’s been a much higher degree of skepticism voiced by the court than I think anyone on the left expected. Of course we won’t know the court’s decision until likely June but it is clear the administration is going into damage control mode based simply on the fact that all nine justices didn’t jump up on the bench, rip off their robes exposing t-shirts with images of a crowned Obama and perform a dance routine while singing the boy king praises. Deputy White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest referred to Obamacare today as a “bipartisan plan”. Earnest went on to say that, “The administration remains confident that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional; one of the reasons for that is that the original personal responsibility clause was a conservative idea”. In other words the liberal kids are pinning it on the conservative adults and basically saying, “If conservatives think it is constitutional, it must be so.” While I’m flattered that someone on the left finally admits that we conservatives tend to actually read and understand our founding documents, it doesn’t change the fact that his entire premise is nonsense.

A couple other hits the administration is taking this week include issues in which it appears there will be more congressional subpoenas for Democrats and the administration. The first of which is a report used to justify the Gulf oil moratorium and claims now surfacing that the report was doctored in order to make the case for the shutdown. White House energy advisor Carol Browner and staff are in hot water for rewriting parts of an Interior department report to make it seem as if the 6 month moratorium on Gulf oil production had been supported by the independent panel of experts tasked with reviewing deep water drilling practices following the BP spill. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has admitted to apologizing to the panel after some of its members complained of having been used by the administration for a political end. Regardless how this ends, it won’t undo the 12,000 plus lost jobs in the Gulf nor replace the estimated 1.8 billion dollars lost in the Gulf region since the moratorium.

In addition, subpoenas have been approved and will likely be issued in an attempt to get to the bottom of reports that administration appointees threatened a firm responsible for a report claiming that a new regulation on the coal industry will cost jobs. It has been claimed that said appointees made threats in an attempt to convince the firm first to change its findings and once it was clear that those attempts were in vain, threats were made in an attempt to convince the firm to withhold their findings altogether.

Now if that’s not enough to leave you feeling the president’s pain perhaps Obama’s scheme to tap the strategic oil reserves in an attempt to boost his reelection efforts will. The strategic oil reserves are a jointly held supply of which the US is only 1/28th owner. Obama has lobbied other nations and has so far gotten Great Brittan on board. However, at last check, 25 of the 28 nations involved are against Obama’s proposal to tap the reserves to lower prices. I guess to our European allies, many of whom get a great deal of their oil from the Middle East, helping Obama get reelected pales in importance to keeping the reserve intact while Iran is threatening to shut down the Strait of Hormuz.

To top things off we had yesterday’s “hot mic” gaff that shed some light on Obama’s intent to continue to weaken our allies and ourselves by selling ourselves to our potential enemies. You can look up any definition of treason you like and Obama’s statement to the Russian president fits 2 of the 3 definitions given.

What a freaking week…and it’s only Wednesday.

That Was Only Healthcare, This Is E-Verify

Caution: The man in this photo is a professional. Do not attempt to put this many feet in your mouth at home.

In a news conference last week president Obama refused to give a direct
response to a simple question. On its own this is a nonissue as we’ve come to
expect this kind of response from “Every Man’s President”. During the press
conference Antonieta Cádiz with La Opiniόn asked the president if he
would veto a clean E-Verify bill that did not grant amnesty to undocumented
workers. The story which can be read here: http://americasvoiceonline.org/blog/entry/president_obama_sees_flaws_in_e-verify_renews_call_for_comprehensive_immigr/
is intriguing and worth a blog article on its own. However, the real story as I see it can be found on the three minute forty second video which can also be viewed at the above link.

Two minutes and seven seconds into the video Obama says, “E-verify can be an
important enforcement tool…what I don’t want is a situation in which employers are forced to set up a system that they can’t be certain works.”

I hope you caught that. The same man responsible for forcing a massively
expensive socialist healthcare overhaul on a nation drowning in economic
uncertainty is suddenly concerned with possibly inconveniencing American
citizens and businesses with an unproven system. Is there truly no end to the direct contradictions and hypocrisy with this man!? The administration’s 2000 plus page healthcare bill which neither the president nor a single lawmaker took the time to read, was in fact forced on the nation with no guarantee it would benefit anyone. In the words of the president himself, “employers are forced to set up a system that they can’t be certain works.”


In the case of E-Verify, the president cites employers not being allowed to
hire legal Americans that the system may incorrectly flag as illegal and that
legal citizens may be deported as examples of the system not working. While
either of these outcomes would be unacceptable, I’ve got to think there could be
other safeguards implemented that would prevent the president’s worst case
scenarios. Fed safeguard number one: Take a look at your track record on
efficiency and success and then hand the entire concept over to the free market
to design and operate a system that works. If they were to do that they might
even inadvertently create a real job or two.

In the case of Obamacare the president will not acknowledge the potential for
failure. Despite countless examples of the federal government failing where the
private sector prospers, the nation was forced to accept Obama and Democrat
lawmaker’s claims that this time and with a plan no one fully understands they
can make it work. No one can convincingly illustrate how Obamacare will benefit the vast majority of Americans. No one can guarantee this plan will work. No one knows exactly what effects socialized healthcare will have on our Democracy. There exists no example in history of this type of system reducing healthcare costs without sacrificing quality of care, standard of living or both.

With all these unknowns and the fact that no man or woman on Earth fully
understands how Obamacare will operate, it would appear that Obamacare dwarfs the E-Verify issue in regard to uncertainty. This very real uncertainty toward the future created by Obama’s anti-job/anti-corporate/anti-industry policies including Obamacare is in fact one of the major impediments to economic recovery.

The uncertainty over Obamacare is having a crippling effect on the entire
nation as well as the world. The risks to the nation of making E-Verify ONE of
the tools used to control illegal immigration are non-existent by comparison.

It seems as if nearly every stance Obama takes on any given issue contradicts
a stance he has taken on another issue. As entertaining as Obama is with his
incessant double talk, direct contradictions and simplistic reasoning apparently
meant to convince the high school dropout segment of his base, I am more anxious to have this man out of the Whitehouse than I have been toward any elected official since I cast my first vote at age 18.

Call me kooky but I feel a revision back to the failed Euro-socialist
concepts the first Americans sought to escape would render everything since the founding of Jamestown in 1607 pointless.