Oops, they did it again: More of the same from our “unbiased” media


"I get that the story is on a damaged church, but can someone cover that cross before I start my piece?"

In what I’m sure was another honest mistake on the part of the incredibly unbiased producers at NBC, the words, “under God” were “accidently” omitted from the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to their US Open coverage.

NBC’s “apology” without explanation can be read here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/post/nbc-apologizes-for-cutting-under-god-from-pledge-of-allegiance-before-us-open/2011/06/19/AG8MgtbH_blog.html?hpid=z3

It’s amazing to me to see this type of thing over and over again. Then in response, as if we were dealing with some guilty child, we get a “sorry about that” or “we didn’t mean to”. Fortunately the pledge was not entirely butchered as these were the only two words omitted, though I’m sure you could have figured that out on your own. I understand that no one is perfect but it’s no secret that the mainstream media seeks to censor all public references to Christianity while carefully coddling all other faiths. It becomes increasingly clear with each of these little “mistakes”. Such was the case just last week when ABC and NBC refused to utter the word Muslim when reporting on a Muslim man arrested at a national monument with bomb making materials and a notebook containing pro-Muzzie terrorist/anti-American scribbling. CBS didn’t bother reporting the story at all. You can read more about that here: https://somestuffyoushouldknow.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/network-news-prepackaged-for-optimal-pc-spin/

Though many refuse to admit the obvious, it’s clear that there is a segment of the American population who hold our nation’s heritage in contempt. These are the same ilk who would like to have the second amendment as well as a great deal of the first amendment repealed. Leading the charge against traditional American values and the truth about our roots is the mainstream media.

How long until these desperate hacks figure out that their spiraling ratings are directly tied to their miserable content? I have a dog capable of learning from his mistakes far more quickly than these fools. And BTW, he does need a job.

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