Jihadists Identified In Washington

You increase taxes, we all meet Allah today!

Don’t be alarmed with my use of the formerly politically incorrect term “Jihadists”. The media has in fact revised their opinion of several words they once considered taboo.

That’s right. The leftist media has responded to widespread disappointment with Obama’s inability to once again steamroll his agenda right over top of public sentiment and our political processes by revising their opinions of terminology formerly considered inappropriate.

Words such as terrorist, jihad and Wahhabi (huh?), the use of which at one time was justification to label an individual racist or bigot, were freely tossed around in the press today with clearly no concern for offending anyone.

The nation’s news hounds crawled over top of each other to use their newly acceptable terminology to attack the Tea Party for having the audacity to participate and have a voice in their government.  

Bloomberg’s’ Margaret Carlson stated that the Tea Party had strapped explosives to the capitol and that they wanted the debt crisis that everyone ignored despite everyone knowing it was coming. Peter Goodman, Huffington Post Business Editor said, “They’re acting like terrorists”. Some nutcase at MSNBC whose name is not worth mentioning gave a colorful narrative of the Tea Party standing in Time Square wearing an explosive belt and threatening the nation. Tom Friedman of the New York Times compared fiscal conservatives to Hezbollah. New Your Times Columnist Paul Krugman said the Tea Party “wants to blow up the economy”. My buddy Chris Mathews sent a tingle through my leg, up my spine and right into the idiocy receptors in my brain when he said, “The GOP has become the Wahhabis of American government”. CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria said the Tea Party “wants to blow up the country”. Tina Brown, Editor in Chief at Newsweek called the Tea Party “suicide bombers”. William Yeomans, an American University Law Professor writing for Politico said the Tea Party had made the transition from “hostage takers to full-blown terrorists”. And to top off all the terrorist rhetoric, last night Congressman Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania compared the Tea Party to terrorists AND no less than our vice president Joe Biden agreed with the assessment.

It’s an astounding list of accusations from a group usually repulsed by such hateful claims…at least when the claims are accurate as opposed to purely rhetorical. So I suppose we should give everyone a pass due to the fact that it’s all just political rhetoric. But aren’t these kinds of dangerous and inflammatory statements the very type of boisterous rhetoric of which the president recently asked to nation to “tone down”? Didn’t the president’s plea to tone down the rhetoric come as a result of the attack that made the debt ceiling vote the first one attended by Congresswoman Gabby Gifford in several months?

At least the political left is consistent in being inconsistent. And as for anyone considering taking an active part in our Democracy; Know this, if your views are not spoon fed to you by the new Media branch of the federal government, you’re a big fat terrorist. I’m betting you also have cooties.

Network News: Prepackaged for optimal PC spin

In yet another move that takes political correctness to the level of utter ignorance, ABC news goes out of its way to not mention that a man arrested with bomb making material was a Muslim.

Marine Lance Corporal Yonathan Melaku was arrested around 2am today by military police at Arlington National Cemetery. The police report that their initial attempt to confront Melaku resulted in his attempting to flee. After giving chase on foot, the police caught Melaku and discovered that his backpack contained four bags of a common bomb making material ammonium nitrate, along with spent 9mm cartridges and a notebook with the words “Taliban rules,” “mujahidin” and “defeated coalition forces.”

In reporting the story, Diane Sawyer and Pierre Thomas called Melaku everything but a Muslim. Sawyer referred to Melaku as “a 22-year old Marine Lance Corporal”, while Pierre referred to Melaku as “suspect”, “Marine reservist”, “a 22-year old Ethiopian American”, and “a lone wolf”. Not once in the ABC report was the word Muslim uttered.

The same was true at NBC where Brian Williams blazed past the issue with a brief mention of the actions of “a Marine reservist”. In a move that ABC and NBC would likely have rather taken had it not been for credibility issues, CBS simply didn’t report the story at all.

How many Muslim terrorists must we intercept and how many victims to successful Muslim terror attacks are necessary before the politically correct zombies will wake up and call a spade a spade? The leftist media never has an issue using “Christian” as a descriptive term. They clearly have no issues with referring to a “suspect’s” military rank and status. However, in much the same way as the term “illegal immigrant” is selectively left out of so many applicable news reports, the media refuse to mention the word “Muslim” in reporting terror attacks. The hard cold facts are that Islam is a remarkably common denominator in these attacks. All the disingenuous reporting in the world will not change that fact.

It’s embarrassing to watch the media intentionally omit information in an attempt to give the news a tint they find appealing.

It’s even more embarrassing that some of these same hacks have the nerve to take issue with the journalistic integrity of news sources that do report ALL the facts.